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Practice on Polymer

  Start practice on polymer 

1. Which of the following is not a natural polymer
  1. Cellulose
  2.  Protein
  3. PVC
  4. Nucleic acid
ans :c

2. Which of the following is not correct regarding terylene
  1. Step-growth polymer
  2. Synthetic fiber
  3. Thermosetting plastic
  4. It is also called Dacron
ans :c

3.  Which is not a polymer?
  1. Sucrose
  2. Enzyme
  3. Starch
  4. Teflon
ans :a

4.  Which one of the following in used to make "non-stick”cookware
  1. PVC
  2. Polystyrene
  3. Polyethylene terephthalate
  4. Polytetrafluoroethylene
ans :d

5.  The polymer used for making contact lenses for eyes is
  1. Poly methyl methacrylate
  2. Polyethylene
  3. Polyethylacrylate
  4. Nylon 6
ans :a

6.  Characteristic property of Teflon is
  1. 2000 poise viscosity
  2. High surface tension
  3. Non-inflammable and resistant to heat
  4. Highly reactive
ans :c

7.  Which of the following is not a polymer ?
  1. Silk
  2. DNA
  3. DDT
  4. Starch
ans :c

8.  Nylone 6,6 is
  1. Polyamide
  2. Polyester
  3.  Polystyrene
  4. Polyvinyl
ans :a

9. Natural rubber contains several thousand units of X linked together in the polymer chain.X is
  1. Neoprene
  2.  Isoprene
  3. Chloroprene
  4.  Styrene
ans :b

10. Polythene is
  1. Thermoplastic
  2. Thermosetting
  3. Both(a)and(b)
  4. None of these
ans :a

11. Which of the following is resistant to boiling aqua regia?
  1. Polythene
  2. Perspex
  3. Teflon
  4. Bakelite
ans :c

12. Nylon yarns are usually
  1. Highly inflammable
  2. Non-inflammable
  3. Both (a)and(b)
  4. Uncertain inflammability
ans :c

13. Which of the following is a synthetic polymer?
  1. Rubber
  2. Perspex
  3.  Protein
  4.  Cellulose
ans :b

14. In the process of forming 'mercerized cellulose' , the swelling of cellulose is caused by
  1. Water
  2. Na2CO3
  3. Conc.NaOH
  4. Aq.HC1
ans :c

15. Triethyl aluminum titanium chloride used in plastic industry is a
  1. Vulcanizer
  2.  Plasticizer
  3. Ziegler-Natta catalyst
  4. Telomer
ans :c

16. What is not true about polymers?
  1. Polymers do not carry any charge.
  2. Polymers have high viscosity.
  3. Polymers scatter light.
  4. Polymers have low molecular weight.
ans :d

17. Which of the following is synthetic rubber.
  1. Buna-S
  2. Neoprene
  3. Both(a)and(b)
  4. None of these
ans :c

18. Which of the following is not an example of natural polymer?
  1. Wool
  2. Silk
  3. Leather
  4. Nylon
ans :d

19. Isoprene is a valuable substance for making
  1. Propene
  2.  Liquid fuel
  3. Synthetic rubber
  4.  Petrol
ans :c

20. Teflon is a polymer of
  1. Tetrafluoroethane
  2. Tetrafluropropene
  3. Difluorodichloroethane
  4. Difluoroethene
ans :a

21. Which of the following is used in vulcanization of rubber?
  1. SF6
  2.  CF4
  3. Cl2F2
  4. C2F2
ans :a

22. The monomer used to produce orlon is 
  1. CH2= CHCN
  2.  CH2=CC12
  3.  CH2=CHC1
  4. CH2=CHF
ans :a

23. Bakelites are
  1. Rubber
  2. Rayon
  3. Resins
  4.  Plasticizers
ans :c

24. Which of the following is a step-growth polymer?
  1. Polyisoprene
  2. Polythene
  3. Nylon
  4. Polyacrylonitrile
ans :c

25. Trans-form of polyisoprene is
  1. Gutta-percha
  2. Hydrochloride rubber
  3. Buna-N
  4. Synthetic rubber
ans :a

26. In the manufacture of polythene by the Ziegler process using ethylene,the temperature for proper polymerization required is
  1. Below 10
  2. 10° to 50℃
  3. 50to 80℃
  4. 80 to 140℃
ans :c

27. Perlon is
  1. Rubber
  2. Nylon 6
  3. Terelene
  4. Oxlon
ans :b

28. Styrene at room temperature is
  1. Solid
  2. Liquid
  3. Gas
  4. Colloidal solution
ans :b

29. Which one of the following can be used as monomer in a polymerization reaction?
  1. CH3CH2Cl
  2. CH3CH2OH
  3. C6H6
  4.  C3H6
ans :d

30. The Ziegler-Natta catalysts are
  1. Stereospecific
  2. Non-metallic complexes
  3. Gaseous catalysts
  4. All of these
ans :a

31.  Melamine is
  1.  Gas
  2. Yellow liquid
  3. White crystalline solid
  4. Colloidal solution
ans :c

32.  Glyptal is a
  1. Viscose rayon
  2. Nylon
  3. Polystyrene
  4. Alkyd resin
ans :d

33. .Which of the following is not polyamide?
  1. Nylon 6,6
  2. Protein
  3. Glyptal
  4. Nylon 6
ans :c

34. Which of the following statement is correct regarding the drawbacks of raw rubber?
  1. It is plastic in nature.
  2. It has little durability.
  3. It has large water-absorption capacity.
  4. All of these
ans :d

35. Celanese silk is
  1. Cellulose trinitrate
  2. Cellulose acetate
  3. Cellophane
  4. Pyroxylin
ans :b

36.  Ebonite is
  1. Polypropene
  2. Natural rubber
  3. Synthetic rubber
  4.  Highly vulcanized rubber
ans :d

37. Polymer used in bullet proof glass is
  1. Lexane
  2.  PMMA
  3. Nomex
  4.  Kevlar
ans :b

38.Polymerization og glycol with dicarboxylic acid is
  1. Addition polymerisation
  2. Condensation polymerization
  3. Tleomerization
  4. Any of above
ans :b

39. The plastics if hard become soft and readily workable by addition of certain compounds called 
  1. Catalysts
  2. Telomers
  3. Plasticizers
  4. Vulcanizer
ans :c

40.Complete hydrolysis of  cellulose gives
  1. D-fructose
  2. D-ribose
  3. D-glucose
  4. L-glucose
ans :c

41. Which of the following can be polymerized to polythene ?
  1. Ethylene
  2. Ethylene chlorohydrin
  3. Ethyl acetate
  4. Ethylmethyl ketone
ans :a

42. PVC is obtained by polymerization of
  1. CH2=CH一CH2一Cl
  2. CH2=CH一Cl
  3. CH3一Cl
  4. CH3一CH2Cl
ans :b

43. The monomer is used in the production of nylon 6-6 are
  1. Hexamethylene diamine and ethylene glycol
  2. Adipic acid  and ethylene glycol
  3. Adipic acid and hexamethylene diamine
  4. Dimethyl terephthalate and ethylene glycol
ans :c

44. Teflon is a polymer of the monomer or teflon is obtained by the polymerization
  1.  Monofluoroethene
  2. Difluroethene
  3. Trifuloroethene
  4. Tetrafluroethene
ans :d

45. Which of the following is a natural polymer ?
  1.  Protein
  2. PVC
  3. PMMA
  4. SBR
ans :a

46. Dacron is an example of
  1. Polyamide 
  2. Polypropylene
  3. Polyurethane
  4. Polyester
ans :d

47. The condensation polymer among the following is
  1. Protein
  2. PVC
  3. Polythene
  4. Rubber
ans :a

48. The species which  can best serve as an initiator for the cationic polymerization is
  1. HNO3
  2. AlCl3
  3. BuLi
  4. LiAlH4
ans :b

49. Which of the following sets from the biodegradable polymer ?

  1.  I
  2. II
  3. III
  4. None of these
ans : II

50. The monomeric units of terylene are ethylene glycol and which of the following

ans :c


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